German Medical Assembly: No to puberty blockers, no to Gender Self-Identification Law for children without medical advice

On May 7-10, 2024, just a few weeks after the Bundestag passed a Gender Self-Identification Law, the 128th German Medical Assembly passed two memorable resolutions in Mainz: 1. “The 128th German Medical Assembly calls on the Federal Government to only permit puberty blockers, sex-change hormone therapies or similar operations in under-18s with gender incongruence (GI) or gender dysphoria (GD) in the context of controlled scientific studies and with the involvement of a multidisciplinary team and a clinical ethics committee and after the completion of medical and, in particular, psychiatric diagnosis and treatment of any mental disorders. Weiterlesen…

German Press Council: EMMA magazine article on the objection to the legitimacy of Ganserer’s election not „transphobic“

The German Press Council had received a total of 63 complaints following the January 2022 article by the feminist magazine EMMA on the objection to the legitimacy of Markus (Tessa) Ganserer’s election to the Bundestag. Their tenor: the article was „transphobic“ and EMMA should be reprimanded for it. Now, however, the Council took an unanimous decision. Weiterlesen…

German election 2021: Women’s voices raised in objection

Parliamentary seat illegitimately taken by male MP | On 26 September 2021 Green Party member Markus Ganserer was elected to the Bundestag (the German Parliament) under the name Markus (Tessa) Ganserer. Ganserer claims he is a woman and has assumed the name Tessa. Markus Ganserer is a biological man. Not only that, his legal status is also registered as that of a man. Weiterlesen…