German Medical Assembly: No to puberty blockers, no to Gender Self-Identification Law for children without medical advice

On May 7-10, 2024, just a few weeks after the Bundestag passed a Gender Self-Identification Law, the 128th German Medical Assembly passed two memorable resolutions in Mainz: 1. “The 128th German Medical Assembly calls on the Federal Government to only permit puberty blockers, sex-change hormone therapies or similar operations in under-18s with gender incongruence (GI) or gender dysphoria (GD) in the context of controlled scientific studies and with the involvement of a multidisciplinary team and a clinical ethics committee and after the completion of medical and, in particular, psychiatric diagnosis and treatment of any mental disorders. Weiterlesen…

CEDAW Alliance Germany distorts CEDAW text

Sneaking gender identity into the unofficial German version of the UN Convention | Although the Yogyakarta Principles have no legal validity, the German CEDAW Alliance refers to them in its interpretation of the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and disseminates a distorted translation into German. Weiterlesen…

German Press Council: EMMA magazine article on the objection to the legitimacy of Ganserer’s election not „transphobic“

The German Press Council had received a total of 63 complaints following the January 2022 article by the feminist magazine EMMA on the objection to the legitimacy of Markus (Tessa) Ganserer’s election to the Bundestag. Their tenor: the article was „transphobic“ and EMMA should be reprimanded for it. Now, however, the Council took an unanimous decision. Weiterlesen…

German election 2021: Women’s voices raised in objection

Parliamentary seat illegitimately taken by male MP | On 26 September 2021 Green Party member Markus Ganserer was elected to the Bundestag (the German Parliament) under the name Markus (Tessa) Ganserer. Ganserer claims he is a woman and has assumed the name Tessa. Markus Ganserer is a biological man. Not only that, his legal status is also registered as that of a man. Weiterlesen…